

Luca Amendola, Shinji Tsujikawa
出版情報: New York : Cambridge University Press, 2010
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Expansion history of the universe
Correlation function and power spectrum
Basics of cosmological perturbation theory
Observational evidence of dark energy
Cosmological constant
Dark energy as a modified form of matter I: quintessence
Dark energy as a modified form of matter II
Dark energy as a modification of gravity
Cosmic acceleration without dark energy
Dark energy and linear cosmological perturbations
Non-linear cosmological perturbations
Statistical methods in cosmology
Future observational constraints on the nature of dark energy
Expansion history of the universe
Correlation function and power spectrum
Basics of cosmological perturbation theory


A.G.G.M. Tielens
出版情報: Cambridge [England] : Cambridge University Press, 2010
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